Anemia Reageats Folate(FA) Reagents test kit for Automatic Immunoassay Analyzer in Human Serum Samples
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Anemia Reageats Folate(FA) Reagents test kit for Automatic Immunoassay Analyzer in Human Serum Samples

Folate, also known as folic acid or vitamin B9, plays several important roles in the body, including in making DNA, which is your unique genetic code. An inadequate level of folate in the body, called folate deficiency, can lead to anemia and other changes to your health. Anemia may cause symptoms like weakness, shortness of breath, and mental changes.
  • Folate


  • DR1086

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 The kit has been designed for the quantitative determination of Folate (FA) in human serum. T

he method can be used for samples over the range of 0.6-20ng/ml.

Measuring folate assesses whether the body has a healthy level of this essential nutrient. Folate testing is generally performed to diagnose and monitor health conditions caused by folate deficiency.

Folate testing is most commonly performed to check for a folate deficiency, which means low levels of the nutrient. Your health care provider may order a folate test to follow up on an abnormal blood test. Testing may also be ordered if you are experiencing symptoms that could be caused by a folate deficiency.

Detecting low folate levels may lead to a diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia. The condition of anemia is when the body does not have enough red blood cells. Low levels of folate or low levels of vitamin B12 cause megaloblastic anemia.

If you are being treated for a folate deficiency, you may be monitored with folate testing to see if your levels have become normal. Some patients with inflammatory bowel disease may have routine testing of folate and other nutrients because their digestive system doesn’t absorb them well and they may take medications that further affect the absorption of folate, especially if they have symptoms of other health problems like anemia.



Zecen Biotech CO., LTD. founded in 2011, is a leading Chinese diagnostics manufacturer specializing in in-vitro diagnostics devices and reagents.
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