TORCH Cytomegalovirus IgG(CMV IgG) Reagents for Automatic Immunoassay Analyzer in Human Serum Samples
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TORCH Cytomegalovirus IgG(CMV IgG) Reagents for Automatic Immunoassay Analyzer in Human Serum Samples

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a member of the Herpesvirus Group. It is not easy to distinguish it from Herpes simplex virus and Varicella-Hertpes zoster virus in terms of morphology. It is characterized by particularly enlarged infected cells, large nuclei and obvious eosinophilic inclusion bodies ( Eosinophilic inclusion body) and other pathological phenomena, so it is also called Cyomegatic inclusion disease.
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TORCH Cytomegalovirus IgG(CMV IgG) Reagents for Automatic Immunoassay Analyzer in Human Serum Samples from China manufacturer - ZECEN Bio

Cytomegalovirus antibody IgG qualitative (CMV-IgG): Cytomegalovirus is a herpes virus, which is transmitted by ascending infection of the placenta or genital tract, blood transfusion, etc. After human infection, most of them are subclinical or latent infection, which can invade various organs of the body. Adult infection with cytomegalovirus can cause hepatitis and pneumonia. Infection of pregnant women can cause fetal damage and fetal development. Low, hearing loss, visual impairment, etc., premature birth, miscarriage, stillbirth. Cytomegalovirus is an important virus that causes congenital malformations. After cytomegalovirus infection, the body can produce specific IgG, IgM, IgA, and IgE antibodies. A single serum dilution ≥ 1:8 is of great significance for the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection.

Most people infected with CMV for the first time are asymptomatic or have cold-like symptoms. Some people who are infected with CMV after adolescence may develop mononucleosis, including fever, hepatosplenomegaly, and an increase in atypical lymphocytes in the blood. After recovery from CMV infection, the virus will still lie dormant in human cells. When the body's immunity is reduced, such as organ transplantation, burns, malignant tumors, AIDS, etc., the virus will reactivate the infection again, but the symptoms of recurrence are usually milder than the initial infection.

Test item CMV-IgG
Specification 50 Test/Box for CIA series
Component Magnetic Beads
Calibrator Low
Calibrator High
CMV-IgG Anti
Control 1
Control 2
Accessories Required But Not Provided Substrate
Washing solution
Sample material Serum
Sample volume More than 200μL
Storage 2-8℃

泽成 CIA600P8-2

Zecen Biotech CO., LTD. founded in 2011, is a leading Chinese diagnostics manufacturer specializing in in-vitro diagnostics devices and reagents.
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